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Depth First Search (DFS) is an algorithm that searches a graph/tree, in a depth-wise manner.

深度优先搜索DFS )是一种以深度方式搜索图/树的算法。

There are many ways through which we can traverse through a graph.


The two most common methods that we can use are:


  • Breadth-First Search (BFS)

  • Depth-First Search (DFS)


Both of these methods are recursive in nature.


The only difference is that a BFS first searches the breadth of the graph/tree, while a DFS searches from top to bottom first, before branching out.

唯一的区别是, BFS首先搜索图/树的宽度,而DFS首先从顶部到底部搜索,然后再进行分支。

Also, a Depth First Search will tell us if two nodes are reachable or not. If the algorithm terminates and we still haven’t found our answer, that means that the two nodes are not connected!

同样,深度优先搜索将告诉我们两个节点是否可达。 如果算法终止,但我们仍未找到答案,则意味着两个节点未连接!

In this article, let us take a look at the DFS Algorithm in detail.


I will also show you an implementation of this algorithm in C so that you can get a programmer’s perspective on how you can write this algorithm.


深度优先搜索算法 (The Depth First Search Algorithm)

As I mentioned earlier, the depth-first search algorithm is recursive in nature.


So, if you want to look for an element in the graph, the DFS procedure will first go as deep as possible from the current node, until you cannot go any further.


When you hit a dead end, you simply move back and try to find deeper routes from any of those nodes.


You simply keep trying all these ‘deepest’ routes until you have exhausted all possibilities.


To apply this algorithm, we need to keep track of the path ‘history‘, that includes the current node visited, so that we can come back to that point.

要应用此算法,我们需要跟踪路径“ history ”,其中包括访问的当前节点,以便我们可以回到这一点。

Since this will try different paths from the path of visited nodes, it is very natural to use a .


To simplify things, I will show you how this algorithm works on a graph.


算法 (The Algorithm)

Before we start our algorithm, let us have a stack of the nodes in the current path. Initially, it is empty.

在开始算法之前,让我们在当前路径中有一堆节点。 最初,它是空的。

  • If a node to be visited is not there in the stack, we push it onto the stack and mark the node as visited.

  • We then check if the current node matches our search criteria.

  • If it does, we are done!

  • Otherwise, we need to go to all the nodes adjacent to the current node.

  • We will visit all such nodes, in any random order, and keep searching.

  • If all adjacent nodes are already visited, it is a dead end. We must go to the previously visited node and pop the recent node from the stack.

    如果所有相邻节点都已被访问,那将是一个死胡同。 我们必须转到先前访问的节点并从堆栈中弹出最近的节点。
  • The algorithm will terminate if all the nodes have been searched (stack is empty), or if we get our answer.


So this algorithm will search the whole graph and is thus a good way to check if a path exists between two nodes.


一个例子–搜索顶点 (An Example – Searching for a vertex)

Let’s search for the vertex 7 in the graph below, using DFS.


When we begin at the start node (6), we mark it as visited, and add it to the stack.

当我们从起始节点( 6 )开始时,我们将其标记为已访问,并将其添加到堆栈中。

Dfs Step One
Dfs Step One

Since this is not the node we want, we will visit all its unvisited adjacent nodes, and keep going until we hit a dead end.


Since the order doesn’t matter to us, let’s visit vertex 2 next. (We can also choose vertex 5)

由于顺序对我们而言无关紧要,因此接下来让我们访问顶点2 。 (我们也可以选择顶点5

Dfs Step Two
Dfs Step Two

Now, again, since it is not the destination vertex, let’s again visit all unvisited adjacent nodes of 2. Let’s choose 14.

现在,再次,因为它不是目标顶点,让我们再次访问的所有2 未访问的相邻节点。 让我们选择14

Dfs Step Three
Dfs Step Three

Again, this is not the destination node. But now, this is a dead-end, since it does not have any adjacent node.

同样,这不是目标节点。 但是现在,这是一个死胡同,因为它没有任何相邻节点。

So, we must go back a step, and pop 14 from the stack. We are now at vertex 2 again.

因此,我们必须退后一步,并从堆栈中弹出14 。 我们现在再次处于顶点2

Dfs Step Four
Dfs Step Four

Now, we move onto the node 7. Since this is the destination node, we are done!

现在,我们进入节点7 。 由于这是目标节点,因此我们完成了!

Dfs Last Step
Dfs Last Step

Hopefully, you can now understand how DFS works. Let’s now move onto a C implementation!

希望您现在可以了解DFS的工作原理。 现在让我们进入C实现!

深度优先搜索的实现 (Implementation of Depth First Search)

We will use the code from our on Graph Theory as a template, and build on from that.


I’ll be adding to this code. So let’s first quickly implement a stack using Linked Lists.

我将添加到此代码中。 因此,让我们首先使用链接列表快速实现堆栈。

typedef struct Graph Graph;typedef struct Node Node;struct Node { // To represent the linked list node. // Contains the vertex index int vertex; // Vertex Key int key; // And a pointer to the next element in the linked list Node* next;};struct Graph { // Key List int* key_list; // Number of vertices int v; // Array of Adjacency Lists Node** adj_lists;};// Define the Stack heretypedef struct StackNode StackNode;struct StackNode{ // Stack of integers int data; StackNode* next;};int is_empty(StackNode* stack) { // Check if stack is empty if (!stack) return 1; return 0;}StackNode* push(StackNode* stack, int data) { // Pushes the data into the stack StackNode* node = (StackNode*) malloc (sizeof(StackNode)); StackNode* temp = stack; node->data = data; node->next = temp; stack = node; return stack;}StackNode* pop(StackNode* stack) { // Pops the head of the stack if (!stack) return NULL; StackNode* temp = stack; stack = stack->next; temp->next = NULL; free(temp); return stack;}int top(StackNode* stack) { // Return the top of the stack if (!stack) return INT_MIN; return stack->data;}StackNode* init_stack(int data) { // Initializes the stack StackNode* stack = (StackNode*) malloc (sizeof(StackNode)); stack->data = data; stack->next = NULL; return stack;}void free_stack(StackNode* stack) { // Free the stack if (!stack) return; StackNode* temp = stack; stack = stack->next; temp->next = NULL; free(temp); free_stack(stack);}void print_stack(StackNode* stack) { if (!stack) return; StackNode* temp = stack; printf("Stack: \n"); while(temp) { printf("Data: %d -> ", temp->data); temp = temp->next; } printf("\n");}

We’ll now show the code for building the graph. Since we denote each vertex using an index as well as its key value, the Node structure looks like this.

现在,我们将显示用于构建图形的代码。 由于我们使用索引及其键值来表示每个顶点,因此Node结构看起来像这样。

struct Node {    // To represent the linked list node.    // Contains the vertex index    int vertex;    // Vertex Key    int key;    // And a pointer to the next element in the linked list    Node* next;};

The rest of the code is almost the same as that of the previous article, except that we’ll also be adding in the key for every vertex.


// Adjacency Lists for the GraphNode** init_adjacency_lists(Graph g) {    // Initializes an adjacency matrix for the graph    if (g.adj_lists)        return g.adj_lists;    // Allocates memory for the lists    // There is a list for every vertex in the graph    // which means there are g.v adjacent lists    Node** adj_lists = (Node**) calloc (g.v,  sizeof(Node*));    // Set them to NULL initially    for (int i = 0; i < g.v; i++)        adj_lists[i] = NULL;        printf("Initialized Adjacency Lists!\n");    return adj_lists;}void free_list(Node* list) {    // Frees all nodes in the list, headed by 'list'    Node* temp = list;    while(temp) {        Node* rm_node = temp;        temp = rm_node->next;        rm_node->next = NULL;        free(rm_node);    }}void free_adj_lists(Graph g) {    // Free the adjacency matrix    if (!g.adj_lists)        return;    for (int i=0; i
", temp->vertex, temp->key); temp = temp->next; } printf("\n");}Node* create_node(int vertex, int key) { // Creates a LinkedList node to hold the vertex Node* node = (Node*) calloc (1, sizeof(Node)); node->next = NULL; node->vertex = vertex; node->key = key; return node;}void add_edge(Graph g, int i, int j) { // Adds an edge connecting two vertices i and j if (!g.adj_lists) { fprintf(stderr, "Adjacency Lists not initialized!\n"); exit(1); } else if (i > g.v || j > g.v) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Vertex Number\n"); exit(1); } // Create the new node in the souce vertex // adjacency list and add the destination // vertex to it // Create a node containing the dst vertex index Node* node = create_node(j, g.key_list[j-1]); // Insert at the source list // Let's insert at the top, since it doesn't // matter whether we insert at the head or not node->next = g.adj_lists[i-1]; // Make the new node as the head g.adj_lists[i-1] = node;}void remove_edge(Graph g, int i, int j) { // Sets the edge from i to j as zero if (!g.adj_lists) { fprintf(stderr, "Adjacency Lists not initialized!\n"); exit(1); } // Search for vertex j in i's adjacency list Node* temp = g.adj_lists[i-1]; if (!temp) { return; } if (!(temp->next)) { if (temp->vertex == j) { free(temp); g.adj_lists[i-1] = NULL; } return; } while (temp->next) { if (temp->vertex == j) { // We have found an edge! Remove this element. Node* rm_node = temp; temp->next = rm_node->next; rm_node->next = NULL; free(rm_node); return; } temp = temp->next; } // No element found :( return;}int check_if_exists(Graph g, int i, int j) { // Checks if there is an edge from vertex i to j if (!g.adj_lists) { fprintf(stderr, "Adjacency Lists not initialized!\n"); exit(1); } else if (i > g.v || j > g.v) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Vertex Number\n"); return 0; } // Search for vertex j in i's adjacency list Node* temp = g.adj_lists[i-1]; if (!temp) { return 0; } if (!(temp->next)) { if (temp->vertex == j) { return 1; } return 0; } while (temp->next) { if (temp->vertex == j) { // We have found an edge! Remove this element. return 1; } temp = temp->next; } // No element found :( return 0;}

Let’s now move onto the main part: the DFS() function.

现在让我们进入主要部分: DFS()函数。

DFS()函数 (The DFS() Functions)

Now, it is often common practice to write a recursive function within another wrapper function. So our core DFS algorithm will be wrapped around a function called DFS(), which calls it under the hood.

现在,通常的惯例是在另一个包装函数中编写递归函数。 因此,我们的核心DFS算法将被一个名为DFS()的函数包装,该函数在后台进行调用。

This will check whether a path exists from the start_vertex to our destination vertex, specified by it’s key.

这将检查从start_vertex到我们的目标顶点的路径( start_vertex key指定)是否存在。

So it’s signature is :


int DFS(Graph g, int start_vertex, int key);

We’ll keep track of the visited nodes using an array of integers int* visited_list. Initially, this is set to Zero.

我们将使用整数数组int* visited_list跟踪访问的节点。 最初,将其设置为零。

// g.v -> Number of Vertices// This is initialized to zero using calloc()int* visited_list = (int*) calloc (g.v, sizeof(int));

We also need to set up the stack for the DFS Algorithm.


// Initialize a stack with the key of the starting vertexStackNode* stack = init_stack(g.key_list[start_vertex-1]);

Now, we are ready to call the main algorithm function DFS_recursive().


int ret_val = DFS_recursive(g, start_vertex, key, &stack, visited_list, 0);

This takes all the required parameters above. We also have one more parameter called start, which will push to the stack only if it is called recursively.

这将接受上面所有必需的参数。 我们还有一个名为start参数,仅当递归调用该参数start ,该参数才会压入堆栈。

NOTE: We pass the stack address to DFS_recursive(), since otherwise, it will get overwritten, since it is simply a variable. Passing it as a pointer will preserve the stack during such recursive calls.

注意 :我们将stack地址传递给DFS_recursive() ,否则将被覆盖,因为它只是一个变量。 将其作为指针传递将在此类递归调用期间保留stack

int DFS(Graph g, int start_vertex, int key) {    // Performs a DFS on the Graph from start_vertex    // and returns 1 if the destination key is found    printf("Start Vertex: %d, Key: %d\n", start_vertex, g.key_list[start_vertex - 1]);    if (g.key_list[start_vertex-1] == key) {        return 1;    }        // Keep a visited list of nodes    int* visited_list = (int*) calloc (g.v, sizeof(int));    // Perform the DFS    StackNode* stack = init_stack(g.key_list[start_vertex-1]);    int ret_val = DFS_recursive(g, start_vertex, key, &stack, visited_list, 0);    // Free Stuff and exit    free_stack(stack);    free(visited_list);    return ret_val;}

Now, let’s go to the DFS_recursive() function.


This pushes the current node to the stack and marks it as visited.


if (start)    *stack = push(*stack, g.key_list[start_vertex-1]);printf("Current Node: key: %d\n", g.key_list[start_vertex - 1]);// Mark the current node as visitedvisited_list[start_vertex - 1] = 1;

Now, we use the exact same algorithm that we mentioned above, in the example graph.


int DFS_recursive(Graph g, int start_vertex, int key, StackNode** stack, int* visited_list, int start) {    // Recursive DFS function that is used to perform DFS()    if (start)        *stack = push(*stack, g.key_list[start_vertex-1]);    printf("Current Node: key: %d\n", g.key_list[start_vertex - 1]);    // Mark the current node as visited    visited_list[start_vertex - 1] = 1;    // While the stack is not empty    while (!is_empty(*stack)) {        if (g.key_list[start_vertex - 1] == key) {            return 1;        }        else {            // Not found. Go to the next node            Node* node = g.adj_lists[start_vertex - 1];            if (!node) {                // Dead End. Go back after popping current node                *stack = pop(*stack);            }            while (node) {                // If any of it's neighbours are not visited                if(visited_list[node->vertex - 1] == 0) {                    // Go to that node and do a DFS from that node                    if (DFS_recursive(g, node->vertex, key, stack, visited_list, 1) == 1)                        return 1;                    else {                        // Pop the recently visited neighbour from the stack                        *stack = pop(*stack);                    }                }                node = node->next;            }        }    }    return 0;  }

Now, that completes our DFS functions. Let’s now test it for our example graph.

现在,这完成了我们的DFS功能。 现在,为示例图进行测试。

Dfs Step 1 1
Dfs Step 1 1
Dfs步骤1 1
void dfs_print(Graph g, int src, int dst) {    // Find the vertex for the src key    int start = -1;    for (int i=0; i
", i+1, g.key_list[i]); print_list(g.adj_lists[i]); } // Print a Depth First Search from 6 to 14 printf("\n"); dfs_print(g, 6, 7); printf("\n"); dfs_print(g, 6, 8); printf("\n"); dfs_print(g, 6, 14); printf("\n"); free_adj_lists(g); return 0;}

The full code can be downloaded from the below section. When you compile the complete code, you’ll get the following output.

完整的代码可以从下面的部分下载。 编译完整的代码时,将得到以下输出。



Created a Graph Structure with 6 verticesInitialized Adjacency Lists!Vertex: 1 , Key: 6 => Node: 3, Key: 5 -> Node: 2, Key: 2 -> Vertex: 2 , Key: 2 => Node: 5, Key: 7 -> Node: 4, Key: 14 -> Vertex: 3 , Key: 5 => Node: 6, Key: 1 -> Vertex: 4 , Key: 14 => Vertex: 5 , Key: 7 => Vertex: 6 , Key: 1 => Node: 5, Key: 7 -> Performing DFS on the Graph...Start Vertex: 1, Key: 6Current Node: key: 6Current Node: key: 5Current Node: key: 1Current Node: key: 7Key: 7 is found!Performing DFS on the Graph...Start Vertex: 1, Key: 6Current Node: key: 6Current Node: key: 5Current Node: key: 1Current Node: key: 7Current Node: key: 2Current Node: key: 14Key: 8 is not found.Performing DFS on the Graph...Start Vertex: 1, Key: 6Current Node: key: 6Current Node: key: 5Current Node: key: 1Current Node: key: 7Current Node: key: 2Current Node: key: 14Key: 14 is found!

This shows that our code indeed works properly! It also prints the path of the search, so this will give you more insight into what it is doing.

这表明我们的代码确实可以正常工作! 它还会打印搜索的路径,因此这将使您对搜索的操作有更深入的了解。

下载代码 (Download the Code)

The Code is available as a . I have tried my best to avoid errors and make the code as clear as possible, but if you spot any, please do mention them to me!

该规范可作为 。 我已尽力避免出现错误,并使代码尽可能清晰,但如果发现任何错误,请向我提及!

结论 (Conclusion)

Hopefully, you’ve understood what the DFS Algorithm does, using the example and the implementation that we showed you. If you have any doubts or suggestions, please do mention them in the comment section below. Until next time!

希望您已经使用示例和我们向您展示的实现了解了DFS算法的功能。 如果您有任何疑问或建议,请在下面的评论部分中提及它们。 直到下一次!

参考资料 (References)

  • on Depth First Search





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